Chromatic-Solfege for JavaScript

a toolkit to utilize Chromatic-Solfege for JavaScript

Chromatic-Solfege for JavaScript


A Node modue chromatic-solfege is a library to operate the notes and the intervals which are defined in Chromatic-Solfege. In this module, it defines all notes of Chromatic-Solfege and offers functions to transpose specified note names.


var chromatic = require( 'chromatic-solfege' );
var r = chromatic.transpose( "re", "mi" )
console.log( r ); // "fi"

If you want to try following example, you could do it in your terminal as following:

> nodejs -e 'console.log( require("chromatic-solfege").transposeScript( "\\enh @do raw maw faw" ) )' 



transpose( root : string, intervals: string, is_absolute : boolean ) : string

This function transposes a single note.

console.log( chromatic.transpose( "do", "do" ) ); // "do"
console.log( chromatic.transpose( "do", "re" ) ); // "re"
console.log( chromatic.transpose( "do", "mi" ) ); // "mi"
console.log( chromatic.transpose( "fa", "do" ) ); // "fa"
console.log( chromatic.transpose( "fa", "re" ) ); // "sol"
console.log( chromatic.transpose( "fa", "mi" ) ); // "la"

transposeScript( macro : string, preference : Object )

This function transposes multiple notes at once. This function accepts an argument as a simple macro language which is called Chromatic-Solfege Abstraction Layer Language. See Chromatic-Solfege Abstraction Layer Language for further information.


This function returns an enharmonized note name of the given note.

console.log( c.enharmonize( "raw" ) ); // "do"
console.log( c.enharmonize( "de"  ) ); // "ti"


This function returns an enharmonic note name of the given note. The note will be selected by an internally defined priority. This function is left for backward compatibility and new applications should not use this function.


This is a lilypond helper function. This function puts a triple accidental tag before the note name if the specified is with a triple accidental.


This function converts note names with flat into sharp and vice a versa.


Returns an integer value which denotes a specific note. We call the integer numbers as note index. The note indices start from zero. And the number will increase one with every half note.

console.log( c.note2number( "do" ) ); // 0
console.log( c.note2number( "re" ) ); // 2
console.log( c.note2number( "do'" ) ); // 12
console.log( c.note2number( "do," ) ); // -12


Returns a note name of the specified note index.

console.log( c.number2note( 12 ) );  // do'
console.log( c.number2note( -12 ) ); // do,


Returns an alphabetical note name of the specified note name as unicode string.

console.log( c.note2alphabet( 'rai' ) ); // d𝄫
console.log( c.note2alphabet( 'di' ) );  // c♯


Returns an alphabetical note name of the specified note name as tex command string.

console.log( c.note2alphabet_tex( 'rai' ) ); // "d \flatflat"
console.log( c.note2alphabet_tex( 'di' ) );  // "c \sharp"


isQuadrupleSharp Returns true if the specified value is a quadruple sharp.

isQuadrupleFlat Returns true if the specified value is a quadruple flat.

isQuadrupleAccidental Returns true if the specified value is with a quadruple accidental.

isTripleSharp Returns true if the specified value is with a triple sharp.

isTripleFlat Returns true if the specified value is with a triple flat.

isTripleAccidental Returns true if the specified value is with a triple accidental.

isDoubleSharp Returns true if the specified value is with a double sharp.

isDoubleFlat Returns true if the specified value is with a double flat.

isDoubleAccidental Returns true if the specified value is with a double accidental.

isSharp Returns true if the specified value is with a sharp.

isFlat Returns true if the specified value is with a flat.

isAccidental Returns true if the specified value is with an accidental.

isNatural Returns true if the specified value is natural and without any accidentals.

isNote Returns true if the specified value is a note name.

isIrregularAccidental Returns true if the specified value is one of ‘de’, ‘ta’ , ‘ma’, ‘fe’.

Command Interface


This function implements a simple commandline interface.

commandInterface( process.argv, 2) );

Csall - Chromatic-Solfege Abstraction Layer Language

As mentioned above, the function transposeScript() function accepts an argument as a simple macro language which is called Csall. Csall stands for Chromatic-Solfege Abstraction Layer Language.

The main purpose of this small language is dynamically transposing series of note names. This language also accepts some modifiers which can be specified by tags.

Note that the format of its output data is designed to be sent to lilypond afterwards in mind.


console.log( c.transposeScript( "do do re mi" ) );  // "do re mi"
console.log( c.transposeScript( "re do re mi" ) );  // "re mi fi"
console.log( c.transposeScript( "fa do re mi" ) );  // "fa sol la"
console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do do re mi" ) );  // "do re mi"
console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do do re mi @re do re mi" ) );  // "do re mi re mi fi"

Octave Specifiers

' and , are octave specifiers. It is transparently passed to the output. It should come right after the note name.

console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do do, re, mi," ) );  // "do, re, mi' 

Note Value Specifiers

Any of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 are note value specifiers. It is transparently passed to the output. It should come after the note name. In case there are any octave specifier after the note name, the note value specifiers should come after the octave specifier.

console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do do,4 re,4 mi,2" ) );  // "do,4 re,4 mi2' 

Mode Specifiers

You can put any number of mode specifiers before the all note sequence. Currently, there are four types of mode specifiers.

\enh When \enh is specified, every note specifier in the output is converted to its enharmonically equivalent note.

Currently this directive is not working correctly. This will be fixed in near future. Every application should not use this directive until it is properly fixed.

console.log( c.transposeScript( "\\enh @do raw maw faw" ) );  // " do re me"

\har The input note specifiers are not converted. This is the default mode.

console.log( c.transposeScript( "\\har @do raw maw faw" ) );  // "raw maw faw"
// This returns same " raw maw faw" since \\har is default.
console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do raw maw faw" ) );  

\rel It output notes with relative octave specifier. \rel is default. TODO

console.log( c.transposeScript( "\\rel @do, do, re, mi,) );  // "do, re, mi,"

Currently this directive is under the beta state and not working correctly. This will be fixed in near future. Every application should not use this directive until it is properly fixed.

\abs It output notes with absolute octave specifier. TODO

console.log( c.transposeScript( "\\abs @do, do, re, mi,) );  // "do,, re,, mi,,"

Currently this directive is under the beta state and not working correctly. This will be fixed in near future. Every application should not use this directive until it is properly fixed.

Special Note Specifiers

The Rest Note Specifier

s is used as a rest note. In this module, it is treated as a special note.

console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do do4 re8 mi8 s4" ) );  // "do4 re8 mi8 s4"

Transparent Note Specifiers

console.log( c.transposeScript( "@do do re mi #FOO @re do re #BAR mi" ) );  // "do re mi #FOO re mi #BAR fi"
console.log( c.transposeScript( 'do do re mi "hello!" sol la' ) ); // 'do re mi "hello!" sol la'

These characters are ignored and transparently sent to the output.

console.log( c.transposeScript( 'do do [ re mi ] { sol la }' ) ); // 'do [ re mi ] { sol la }'

These characters are used to pass command sequences to Lilypond after the processing.

Chromatic-Solfege Note Name Identifier Specification

The available note name specifiers are following :

Origin do re mi fa sol la ti
Quadruple-Flat daes raes maes faes saes laes taes
Triple-Flat dae rae mae fae sae lae tae
Double-Flat daw raw maw faw saw law taw
Flat de ra me fe se le te
Natural do re mi fa sol la ti
Sharp di ri ma fi si li ta
Double-Sharp dai rai mai fai sai lai tai
Triple-Sharp dao rao mao fao sao lao tao
Quadruple-Sharp daos raos maos faos saos laos taos

In this library, quater sharps and quater flats are also defined. The following table is a complete identifier table which includes quater notes.

Origin do re mi fa sol la ti
Quadruple-Flat daes raes maes faes saes laes taes
7 Quarter-Flat dawm rawm mawm fawm sawm lawm tawm
Triple-Flat dae rae mae fae sae lae tae
5 Quarter-Flat dawn rawn mawn fawn sawn lawn tawn
Double-Flat daw raw maw faw saw law taw
3 Quarter-Flat dem ram mem fem sem lem tem
Flat de ra me fe se le te
1 Quarter-Flat dew rew mew few sew lew tew
Natural do re mi fa sol la ti
1 Quarter-Sharp dia ria mia fia sia lia tia
Sharp di ri ma fi si li ta
3 Quarter-Sharp dim rim mam fim sim lim tam
Double-Sharp dai rai mai fai sai lai tai
5 Quarter-Sharp dain rain main fain sain lain tain
Triple-Sharp dao rao mao fao sao lao tao
7 Quarter-Sharp daim raim maim faim saim laim taim
Quadruple-Sharp daos raos maos faos saos laos taos